This is the archived Spring 2015 version of the course. For the most recent version, see

Communication in Cryptocurrency Cafe

Posted: Fri 23 January 2015

Here's some information on how communication will be done for this course.

I prefer to avoid using email for group communication, so won't be email spamming the entire class except when it really seems necessary. Instead, nearly all (electronic) communication will be done through the course website.

You can subscribe to the site using an RSS reader, or receive an email notification everytime the site is updated by using a service like and subscribing to

Many of the pages on the course site will include a disqus discussion forum. If you don't already have an account with disqus, you can create one the first time you post a comment (or sign-on to disqus using a Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, if you don't mind you disqus activities being visible to another provider). You can also post anonymously and should use this when you feel it is necessary, but otherwise, please post using a name that will be recognizable to me and your classmates.

I don't want to force pseudo-discussion by making it a course requirement to make a certain number of contributions to the on-line discussions, but do encourage everyone to use the fora to contribute to both your own learning and building the course community, and to provide value to others in the class.

In addition to the page-specific disqus comments, you can use the general forum for discussions that don't fit into particular topics. Feel free to use that forum to post links and thoughts about any related information you find, as well as general comments broadly relevant to the course.

You can control settings in disqus to determine when you receive email notifications (including subscribing to notifications for any comments on the course site if you want, or getting a daily or weekly digest).

If you have a non-confidential question about a course assignment or content, please use the web site forums to ask it instead of emailing me directly. This way, I (or others) can respond in a way that will be visible to everyone else who might have the same question. Feel free to use email to contact me directly for questions that are private or not relevant to the rest of the class.
