Wednesday, September 30: Checkup 2 revisions (if desired), due at the beginning of class or end of office hours today.
Friday, October 9: Problem Set 2 (moved from original deadline of October 2). Problem Set 2 will be posted by tomorrow.
Monday, October 19: Midterm Exam
No classes Monday, October 5!
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If we have 20% of the network hashing power, calculate the proportion of blocks we will win if we mine selfishly. Do we come out ahead or behind?
Why does our formular for E not work for alpha greater than a half?
Compute the constant on slide 29, “Expected share reward”. You may have to look up the Taylor’s expansion series for natural logarithm.
Does mining in a pool increase your reward or decrease it? Explain.
If a pool is paying out proportionally, and you are profiting by pool hopping in and out of it, is somebody else making a loss? Who and how?