Project Pre-Proposals are due Friday (November 13) at 8:29pm.

Your pre-proposal should include the following information:

  1. Names of everyone on the project team - you may work on your own, or with any number of teammates. The expected impressiveness of your project should scale at least as the square root of the number of project members.

  2. Title of your project - a short title that gets across what your project is about.

  3. Idea for your project - one or two paragraphs that explain what the purpose of your project is and what you plan to do.

  4. Expected outcome - what you hope will be the outcome of your project. This should explain what you expect to be able to deliver by the end of semester, and how the world will benefit from it.

  5. Related work - list of projects (which could include papers, companies, etc.) that had goals related to yours. You do not have to have studied these in detail yet, but should have identified starting points to look at.

  6. Immediate plans - what are the next steps you plan to do.

Please submit this as a plain text email to

Your email should have as its subject line: Project: Title where Title is the title of your project. It should include all team members as cc’d recipients. It should include your answers to the six points above, clearly numbered. Do not use any PDF attachments unless it is really necessary to provide a figure for your idea to be understandable.

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